Metal Tablets

March 15, 2023

Welcome, Studio Viewers! I’m happy to present my site-specific installation of Metal Tablets:

These pieces are an intimate exploration of repetition, mark-making, and the ever-moving tapestry of impermanence. As I develop each work, I strive for that crucial balance and detachment with the presented image. It's about cherishing the process of making and letting the art unfold naturally. You'll notice my personal touch in the visible marks and designs on the metal tablets. But beyond that, there's a random, unseen natural process at play - it's the unconscious from where the designs arise, adding an element of surprise to each piece.

It's truly a captivating process! As you look through the gallery, take in the strength of repetition, the beauty of mark-making, and embrace the concept of impermanence. These metal tablets age gracefully, displaying a rustic patina that serves as a poignant reminder of life's fleeting nature.

I hope this artistic journey ignites inspiration within you and encourages reflection on the ever-changing dance of life. Enjoy the gallery, and the wonders of creation and the passage of time!

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Artist Maria Cerro presents Metal Tablets, 12” x 12” Each, 2001- 2022, Mixed Media